Warm-Up With Kettlebells
Kettlebell exercises are a highly effective way to prepare for workouts. They allow for natural athletic movements—similar to what is performed in traditional dynamic warm-ups—with resistance. This increases range of motion and primes muscles for more intense lifts.
One of the best kettlebell warm-up exercises is the Cossack Stretch, which is an exaggerated Lateral Lunge to open up the hips and engage the core. This ensures that you can perform more advanced exercises, like the Kettlebell Snatch, powerfully with perfect technique and a reduced risk of injury.
Cossack Stretch
- Stand with feet as wide apart as possible with toes turned slightly out
- Cradle kettlebell at chest (crush position)
- Lower into squat position, keeping core tight and chest up
- Straighten right leg and shift body to left into exaggerated side-lunge position; hold for two counts
- Keep left ankle, hip and knee in line
- Return to start position
- Perform rep to opposite side; repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3×15 each side
Warm-Up With Kettlebells
Kettlebell exercises are a highly effective way to prepare for workouts. They allow for natural athletic movements—similar to what is performed in traditional dynamic warm-ups—with resistance. This increases range of motion and primes muscles for more intense lifts.
One of the best kettlebell warm-up exercises is the Cossack Stretch, which is an exaggerated Lateral Lunge to open up the hips and engage the core. This ensures that you can perform more advanced exercises, like the Kettlebell Snatch, powerfully with perfect technique and a reduced risk of injury.
Cossack Stretch
- Stand with feet as wide apart as possible with toes turned slightly out
- Cradle kettlebell at chest (crush position)
- Lower into squat position, keeping core tight and chest up
- Straighten right leg and shift body to left into exaggerated side-lunge position; hold for two counts
- Keep left ankle, hip and knee in line
- Return to start position
- Perform rep to opposite side; repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3×15 each side