Ultimate Buns of Steel Workout
Want a perfect derrière or buns of steel? We know every woman wants one, and most men are searching for it. If you Google “butt,” you’ll get over 79 million hits. But you can’t get a better behind from the Internet. You need to make it in the gym. Just imagine if our chubby fellow citizens were to stop searching online, get off their fat behinds and exercise.
The butt holds the key to better performance in many sport-specific actions like jumping higher and running faster, plus improving agility and avoiding back pain.
The glute muscle group consists of three muscles—the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. Through behaviors like constantly sitting and improper lifting, these muscles becomes weak. Try the following “butt workout” three times per week. I guarantee you will get the kind of results you can get “behind.”
To make this workout complete, work your chest, back and shoulders along with your legs. Always rest appropriately, and if you have any injuries, proceed with caution.
Ultimate Butt Workout
- Squats – 4×6; use a heavy weight and rest 2 minutes between sets
- Pistol Squats – 3×10; your body weight should suffice here; rest 1 minute between sets
- Reverse Lunge with Hip Thrusters – 3×8
- Romanian Deadlifts with one minute of jumping rope or jacks – 5×15; rest for 1 minute
- Vertical Jumps – 5×10; rest 3 minutes
- Stability Ball Squats – 3×10; rest 1 minute between sets while holding dumbbells at your sides and touching them to the ground
- High Step-Ups (weighted) with Single-Leg Hip Thrusters – 3×12 per leg; a BOSU ball works best; rest 1 minute
- Back Squat – 2×20; rest 30 seconds
- Treadmill Sprints
- Sprint for 20 seconds then walk for 90 seconds once
- Sprint for 15 seconds, rest for 75 seconds twice
- Sprint for 10 seconds, rest for one minute three times
- Sprint for 30 seconds to finish
- Foam roll for 5 to 10 minutes to recover and then proceed to the resistance portion
- Deadlifts– 4×8; rest 2 minutes
- Weighted Reverse Lunges – 3×10 per leg; rest 1 minute
- Sumo Squats with Bulgarian Single-Leg Squats – 3×10; rest 1 or 2 minutes
Ultimate Buns of Steel Workout
Want a perfect derrière or buns of steel? We know every woman wants one, and most men are searching for it. If you Google “butt,” you’ll get over 79 million hits. But you can’t get a better behind from the Internet. You need to make it in the gym. Just imagine if our chubby fellow citizens were to stop searching online, get off their fat behinds and exercise.
The butt holds the key to better performance in many sport-specific actions like jumping higher and running faster, plus improving agility and avoiding back pain.
The glute muscle group consists of three muscles—the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. Through behaviors like constantly sitting and improper lifting, these muscles becomes weak. Try the following “butt workout” three times per week. I guarantee you will get the kind of results you can get “behind.”
To make this workout complete, work your chest, back and shoulders along with your legs. Always rest appropriately, and if you have any injuries, proceed with caution.
Ultimate Butt Workout
- Squats – 4×6; use a heavy weight and rest 2 minutes between sets
- Pistol Squats – 3×10; your body weight should suffice here; rest 1 minute between sets
- Reverse Lunge with Hip Thrusters – 3×8
- Romanian Deadlifts with one minute of jumping rope or jacks – 5×15; rest for 1 minute
- Vertical Jumps – 5×10; rest 3 minutes
- Stability Ball Squats – 3×10; rest 1 minute between sets while holding dumbbells at your sides and touching them to the ground
- High Step-Ups (weighted) with Single-Leg Hip Thrusters – 3×12 per leg; a BOSU ball works best; rest 1 minute
- Back Squat – 2×20; rest 30 seconds
- Treadmill Sprints
- Sprint for 20 seconds then walk for 90 seconds once
- Sprint for 15 seconds, rest for 75 seconds twice
- Sprint for 10 seconds, rest for one minute three times
- Sprint for 30 seconds to finish
- Foam roll for 5 to 10 minutes to recover and then proceed to the resistance portion
- Deadlifts– 4×8; rest 2 minutes
- Weighted Reverse Lunges – 3×10 per leg; rest 1 minute
- Sumo Squats with Bulgarian Single-Leg Squats – 3×10; rest 1 or 2 minutes