A Fat-Loss Workout Strategy for Athletes That Actually Works
In most sports, the leaner, more powerful athletes enjoy an advantage. There are exceptions; some athletes in sports or sport positions, like defensive linemen, benefit from being heavier. However, if in your sport or position it helps to be lean, muscular and powerful, now you will have a tool in your possession that shows you exactly how to drop extra body fat at will.
RELATED: 9 Foods to Eat When You Want to Lose Fat
Take your time learning the steps below; they are really pretty simple once you get the hang of it. There exists lots of misleading information about fat loss, which only serves to cause great confusion among the masses. Here you are getting the raw truth on how to actually cut body fat and perform at the highest level possible.
It doesn’t take long to pull up social media or Google on “how to lose weight” and be instantly bombarded with literally millions of “secret solutions.” In fact, Google has about 61,100,000 results.
Today, as we get deeper into the information age, information is at our fingertips in nanoseconds. Most of it is based on “theories” that people have come up with: Eat this, but definitely not that, etc. The trouble is with floods of information you have to fend for yourself deciphering what is good and bad. You must be vigilant in this daunting task. It can take a lot of time and lots of hard-earned dollars if you are not careful. Personally, I spend hundreds of dollars per year on books on training and nutrition, just to read them and pluck out any valuable information. A few have great info; most do not.
RELATED: Female Athlete’s Guide to Building Muscle And Losing Fat
I want to give you a logical approach to losing excess body fat. Many weight-loss programs attempt to create an emotional state to get you to buy into their theory as the be-all, end-all.
At the end of the day, we just want to get rid of excess fat in a safe manner and be able to control keeping it off. We have all known people who have suffered the inconsistent results of a “yo-yo” diet. They lose lots of weight fast, but they are unprepared, most likely due to the harsh nature of their chosen “diet,” to manage their weight once it’s off. Many times, these extreme calorie-cutting diets slough off lots of hard earned lean muscle. This is terrible for an athlete. Time and again, people gain all their weight back and sometimes more. Always beware of quick fixes and look for sensible solutions. In other words, stop being scammed by marketing and seduced by hype.
RELATED: The Ultimate Fat Loss Workout for Athletes
“Good things are worth waiting for” is a saying that holds true in the world of fat loss and getting lean.
If I told you that you could lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks only to gain back 30 pounds in a few months, would you do it?
How about you will lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks and gain control to keep it off long term? Sounds like a winning plan.
Here is the logic:
One pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories.
You can calculate your daily caloric intake by investing in a calorie counter book. Record everything you eat in 5 days, add up the calories and divide by 5 to get an approximate current daily intake.
The next step is use an online Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculator to determine your minimum daily caloric expenditure. Plug in your numbers with the understanding that this would cause you to maintain your weight if you did nothing but lie in bed all day. Then add your daily activity factor, calculated by the Harris Benedict Formula.
- Male, 6-foot, 200 pounds, 20 years old
- Works out with weights intensely 4 days per week
- BMR is 2090.4
- Harris Benedict Formula (activity level): BMR X 1.55
- Total daily calories needed to maintain weight, including activity factor: 3,240.12
If the man in this example wanted to get leaner for sports and drop excess body fat at roughly one pound per week, he would take his 3,240.12 daily caloric need and subtract 500. That will be his target until he reaches his desired leanness.
If you want to lose 1 pound per week, decrease intake by 500 calories per day (500 calories x 7 days = 3500 calories).
If you want to lose 1 pound per 14 days, decrease intake by 250 calories per day (250 calories x 14 days = 3500 calories).
To bring it to life, there are roughly 198 calories in 3 slices of bread. So you don’t have to eliminate as much food as you may think to hit the mark.
Imagine you will lose 20 pounds of ugly performance-robbing fat in 20 weeks (140 days) with a logical diet?
Now think of what this can do for your sports performance, assuming you are carrying extra weight. There’s something called the strength-to-weight ratio, which indicates how strong you are relative to your weight. Put simply, athletes with greater strength-to-weight ratios perform better in their sports because they have more strength and less weight to move around, which makes them more explosive.
Next time your coach tells you to pack on pounds, you’d better think twice. It might be better to carefully add muscle, or even lose weight using the above strategy.
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A Fat-Loss Workout Strategy for Athletes That Actually Works
In most sports, the leaner, more powerful athletes enjoy an advantage. There are exceptions; some athletes in sports or sport positions, like defensive linemen, benefit from being heavier. However, if in your sport or position it helps to be lean, muscular and powerful, now you will have a tool in your possession that shows you exactly how to drop extra body fat at will.
RELATED: 9 Foods to Eat When You Want to Lose Fat
Take your time learning the steps below; they are really pretty simple once you get the hang of it. There exists lots of misleading information about fat loss, which only serves to cause great confusion among the masses. Here you are getting the raw truth on how to actually cut body fat and perform at the highest level possible.
It doesn’t take long to pull up social media or Google on “how to lose weight” and be instantly bombarded with literally millions of “secret solutions.” In fact, Google has about 61,100,000 results.
Today, as we get deeper into the information age, information is at our fingertips in nanoseconds. Most of it is based on “theories” that people have come up with: Eat this, but definitely not that, etc. The trouble is with floods of information you have to fend for yourself deciphering what is good and bad. You must be vigilant in this daunting task. It can take a lot of time and lots of hard-earned dollars if you are not careful. Personally, I spend hundreds of dollars per year on books on training and nutrition, just to read them and pluck out any valuable information. A few have great info; most do not.
RELATED: Female Athlete’s Guide to Building Muscle And Losing Fat
I want to give you a logical approach to losing excess body fat. Many weight-loss programs attempt to create an emotional state to get you to buy into their theory as the be-all, end-all.
At the end of the day, we just want to get rid of excess fat in a safe manner and be able to control keeping it off. We have all known people who have suffered the inconsistent results of a “yo-yo” diet. They lose lots of weight fast, but they are unprepared, most likely due to the harsh nature of their chosen “diet,” to manage their weight once it’s off. Many times, these extreme calorie-cutting diets slough off lots of hard earned lean muscle. This is terrible for an athlete. Time and again, people gain all their weight back and sometimes more. Always beware of quick fixes and look for sensible solutions. In other words, stop being scammed by marketing and seduced by hype.
RELATED: The Ultimate Fat Loss Workout for Athletes
“Good things are worth waiting for” is a saying that holds true in the world of fat loss and getting lean.
If I told you that you could lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks only to gain back 30 pounds in a few months, would you do it?
How about you will lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks and gain control to keep it off long term? Sounds like a winning plan.
Here is the logic:
One pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories.
You can calculate your daily caloric intake by investing in a calorie counter book. Record everything you eat in 5 days, add up the calories and divide by 5 to get an approximate current daily intake.
The next step is use an online Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) calculator to determine your minimum daily caloric expenditure. Plug in your numbers with the understanding that this would cause you to maintain your weight if you did nothing but lie in bed all day. Then add your daily activity factor, calculated by the Harris Benedict Formula.
- Male, 6-foot, 200 pounds, 20 years old
- Works out with weights intensely 4 days per week
- BMR is 2090.4
- Harris Benedict Formula (activity level): BMR X 1.55
- Total daily calories needed to maintain weight, including activity factor: 3,240.12
If the man in this example wanted to get leaner for sports and drop excess body fat at roughly one pound per week, he would take his 3,240.12 daily caloric need and subtract 500. That will be his target until he reaches his desired leanness.
If you want to lose 1 pound per week, decrease intake by 500 calories per day (500 calories x 7 days = 3500 calories).
If you want to lose 1 pound per 14 days, decrease intake by 250 calories per day (250 calories x 14 days = 3500 calories).
To bring it to life, there are roughly 198 calories in 3 slices of bread. So you don’t have to eliminate as much food as you may think to hit the mark.
Imagine you will lose 20 pounds of ugly performance-robbing fat in 20 weeks (140 days) with a logical diet?
Now think of what this can do for your sports performance, assuming you are carrying extra weight. There’s something called the strength-to-weight ratio, which indicates how strong you are relative to your weight. Put simply, athletes with greater strength-to-weight ratios perform better in their sports because they have more strength and less weight to move around, which makes them more explosive.
Next time your coach tells you to pack on pounds, you’d better think twice. It might be better to carefully add muscle, or even lose weight using the above strategy.