How to Deal With an Angry Coach
The longer you play sports, the more likely you will play for a coach who likes to yell and scream—the type of coach who leaves his players with the impression [...]
How to Deal With an Overbearing Sports Parent
Most young athletes are fortunate to have parents who exercise patience and regularly offer praise and positive reinforcement. Others are not so lucky. Some parents yell and constantly complain about [...]
Push-Ups: The Best Bodyweight Exercise
Good Push up WorkoutPush ups are arguably the best body weight exercise. A good push up workout requires core stabilization and upper body strength...
Build Leg Strength Anywhere, Any Time
Leg Workouts: Any Time, Any Place Lower body strength is incredibly important for all athletes. Athletes need to have a stable base to stay balanced as...
Get Tough on Your Goals to Get Fit
Meeting a challenging goal is a great feeling. But not every goal has a happy ending—and goals concerning getting fit are especially difficult to reach. Here are some tips to [...]
5 Steps to Changing a Bad Habit
Have you ever attempted to change a bad habit, and only succeeded for a few days? You are not alone. We typically have no trouble changing our behavior for a [...]