Sprinter Workout for Explosive Acceleration
Top sprinting speed might be flashier, but it's your start that sets you up for success during a race. To improve this critical component of a race, you must develop [...]
How the Puma BeatBot Will Make You Faster
The Puma BeatBot is the ultimate training partner. It will never tire, complain, or skip a workout. It runs the exact pace of Usain Bolt's a world...
Strength Training for Speed: 4 Ways to Maximize Your Training
Strength training done right will make you faster, done wrong and it is a waste of time. Your program must include these four building blocks if you are...
How to Time Training Peaks to Be Your Best When It Matters Most
Timing training peaks requires maintaining a delicate balance.
Drills for a Better Pole Vault Swing
Pole Vault Drills for the Swing, Rock Back, and Turn The pole vault swing, rock back, and turn are the transitions that convert the horizontal forces...
How to Release Muscle Knots and Trigger Points
Trigger points or knots in your muscles can interfere with the normal muscle and joint movement. When left untreated, these areas will disrupt local...