Lift Weights To Live Longer
A recent review of health studies has shown that regular strengthening exercises reduced mortality rates from all causes. i.e., those who did resistance training for 30-60 minutes per week had [...]
Do You Really Lose Most of Your Body’s Heat Through Your Head?
Winter is coming. For some of us, it has already arrived for those athletes playing sports or exercising outdoors the risks of exposure, frostbite, and hypothermia increase in colder and [...]
Youth Athlete Foundation Training Program
Youth athletes are not small adults. Growing bodies and young minds require a careful, progressive training program that lays the foundation for a healthy lifestyle and enjoyment of their sport(s). [...]
How To Start Working Out
Albert Einstein is reported to have said, "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it." The idea of [...]
The Soccer Positions: Explained
Soccer is an invasion-type game where 11 players on each team try to put the ball in the opponent's goal.
How To Prevent Cliques On Teams
The coach who helps foster communication and interaction between groups is the one who is building a team rather than watching one fall apart.