Quick Meals Athletes Can Make On Their Own
Busy (or idle) teenagers who get hungry will often reach for the quickest solution to ease their hunger pangs. Unfortunately, this often means eating processed food that comes straight out [...]
Coaching Tips on Game Days
Do you want your team to perform at its best on game day? Then you need to be at your best as a coach. Avoid feeling ill-prepared and anxious because [...]
The Secrets To Coaching Gen Z Athletes
Generation Z includes those children born between 1997-2010, alternatively known as ‘Zoomers’ or the ‘Wii Generation.’ Their parents usually are Generation-X (Slackers, from Douglas Copeland’s novel and the movie) who [...]
How to Win Like a Champion
A 9-year-old girl, whom I had been coaching for two years in gymnastics, came to our athletics club for the first time last summer. She was wearing lumpy, heavy shoes [...]
Injured, or Just Temporarily Sore
There is a difference between playing when you are injured and playing when you are sore. Both may be painful, but playing with an injury is likely to make that [...]
Are Your Kids Outside Enough?
Over the last year, the simple pleasure of being able to step outside your front door and play with your friends has been removed from children's lives due to the [...]