These 2 Drills Will Fix Your Kettlebell Swing Form for Better Results
Kettlebell Swings are an incredible exercise. They build explosive power in the hips, strength in the entire posterior chain and full-body endurance. But here's the problem—Kettlebell Swings can be a [...]
This Simple Drill Will Help You Improve Your 40-Yard Dash Time in a Hurry
The 40-Yard Dash is a staple of football testing.
Recovery Workouts Will Take Your Training Results to the Next Level
What do you do when you have been training hard and wake up one morning feeling like you just got hit by a truck? Well, the last thing you probably [...]
This ‘Tailpipe’ Finisher Trains You to Breathe Better While Building Lower-Body Strength
Leg day is the most skipped workout of all the muscle groups, yet it is the most important! When you train your legs properly, your overall strength will increase and [...]
Perform These 3 Movements Every Morning to Increase Energy and Athleticism
Every athlete wakes up with aches and pains from their training during the week. The easiest way to fix this issue is to take care of your mobility and flexibility [...]
Wearing Running Shoes While Weightlifting Can Kill Your Strength Gains
Next time you head into a Globo Gym-style commercial gym, take a look around and check out the footwear your fellow gym goers are sporting. Chances are many will be [...]