15 Benefits You’ll Experience After Performing Quadruped Bird Dog Rows
The quadruped bird dog bench row is one of my go-to rowing variations for teaching my athletes how to dial in their horizontal pulling technique. The...
2 Bicep Curl Tips That Guarantee Bigger Arms
Kettlebells curls provide exclusive hypertrophy benefits and unique bicep stimulation that are difficult to replicate with other training tools...
Bird Dog Exercise Variations for Core Strength and Back Health
The quadruped bird dog exercise has been a popular core and spinal stabilization drill for quite some time. Made famous by low back specialists and...
The Single-Leg Kettlebell Swap Is the Most Important Exercise You’re Not Doing
Improving foot, ankle, and hip function is something I work quite extensively on with my athletes and clients. One exercise I use on a consistent basis...
Use This Lifting Technique to Add Weight to Your Bench Press and Squat
It's been well documented through numerous research studies that eccentric or negative-only training is one of the most effective protocols for...
Is Inertial Training the Next Breakthrough in Athletic Performance?
The barbell is a staple of training for strength, and athletic performance, but is it the best way to train athletic strength? There is a new form of...