Olympic Weightlifting Readiness
This article will go into detail about what an athlete can do to prepare for olympic weightlifting and why they should master the four prerequisite lifts before attempting any cleans [...]
The 5 Steps for Pitcher Recovery
Pitchers at the high school level have a tendency to put recovery on the back burner after an outing. They either go play another position after they’re done or sit [...]
How Aerobic Exercise Affects Your Mental Health
We live in a society where stress, anxiety, and depression have increased and caused mental health concerns for people of all ages, especially teens. There are many approaches to treating [...]
Why You Should Train Barefoot
Long ago in our history as human beings, we roamed the Earth hunting and gathering, wearing nothing but our bare feet or minimalist footwear. As we evolved and started wearing [...]
Simple High School Athlete Workout
Strength is the foundational quality of any athlete. But figuring out the right strength training plan can be a confusing and overwhelming task. This article discusses the five basic movement [...]