DHEA Supplements: Should You Take Them?
Strong muscles are in high demand among athletes. Regardless of the sport, athletes want powerful muscles, and the faster they can build them the better. For this reason, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) [...]
4 Division I Football Tips for Muscle-Building Eating
To gain a competitive edge and be a formidable player right out of the gate next football season might require putting on bulk. Through my work with Division I football players, [...]
Detoxing the Safe, Natural Way
Detox programs have a strange allure. In Theory Detox sponsors claim to help you shed pounds quickly by following a sophisticated system of cutting out. Then there are those "real [...]
Vegetarian Snacks: Pre- and Post-Workout
Finding variety in pre- and post-workout snacks can be difficult for vegetarian athletes. However, to provide your body with a full range of nutrients, it's important to have a rotation with [...]
4 Tips You Should Follow Before Becoming a Vegetarian
Becoming a vegetarian is a recent diet trend I've noticed among my athletes, most notably my female clients. However, this special diet needs to be approached carefully. The wrong approach [...]
How to Beat the Number One Nutrition-Related Cause of Poor Performance
What's the number one nutrition-related cause of poor performance? Dehydration. It takes only a two percent level of dehydration in your body to trigger a drop in performance. During an [...]