6 Everyday Stretches for People Who Sit Too Much
Everyday stretches for anyone who sits for a living or sits too much at home. Sitting is the new smoking. Sitting for eight hours a day can be just as...
An Upper-Body Baseball Training Routine for the Off-Season
This training regimen focuses on the upper body. During off-season training, go through this upper-body routine two times per week, with leg days in between.
Learn When and How to Take a Rest Day
A lot of science goes into rest days. But rather than bore you with study after study, we are going to keep things simple.
Build an Effective Workout With This 8-Step Blueprint
I developed The Perfect Workout Regimen for myself and my patients that are looking to get in better shape and lose weight are based off a very simple...
A Beginner Olympic Lifting Program
This beginner Olympic Lifting program is ideal for someone that has never performed Olympic style lifting before. It incorporates many of the major...
6 of the Worst Exercises for Men in Their 30s
Most the men I work with that are in their 30s are still trying to live life like they are in their 20s. They stay active and continue working out,...