How You Can Use N.E.A.T. To Stay Healthy and Avoid Weight Gain
N.E.A.T. stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. Sounds complicated, eh? Well, it's not. What it means is all the non-exercises related activity you do that help burn calories. Sitting on the [...]
3 Ways to Kick-Start Your Fitness Goals This Year
It's the new year and everyone might have a new fitness goals to hit this 2016. Be it getting stronger, putting on muscle or looking great at a beach,...
2 Foam Roller Workouts For Strength, Not Recovery
Two Challenging Full-Body Foam Roller Workouts for Boosting Sports Performance By Jim Carpentier, CSCS A foam roller is commonly used for massaging away...
11 Strategies for Getting More Done During Your Workouts
When you work out, you need to get as much done as possible in the limited amount of time you have to train. Below are 11 tips and strategies that [...]
Why Rest Days Are Critical For Proper Recovery
Most of us are aware that beating ourselves into a pulp day after day in the gym without rest eventually results in performance decline, overtraining, or even worse, injury. Despite [...]
Does Putting Hands on Your Head Actually Help You Catch Your Breath?
You finished a set of sprints at the end of practice. As you gasp for air, you put your hands on your knees, because, well, you’re freakin’ tired. And all [...]
9 Things Elite Strength Coaches Wish They Had Known When They Were High School Athletes
You may think you’re on track to make it to the next level in your sport. You put in the work on and off the field, and you follow the [...]
3 Treadmill Running Workouts That Build Endurance
The treadmill gets a bad rap. Yes, it can be boring, and yes it doesn't feel "authentic" compared to the road or the trails, but it serves an excellent...
The 6 R’s of Recovery
Recovery is an essential factor when it comes to training and performance. How you do it is the difference between maximal or average strength development. However, most often, recovery is [...]
What Is ‘Active Recovery’?
In your mind, you may think, "I gotta hit the gym every day to get in shape." However this thought may end up being more detrimental than productive, as overtraining [...]