College Recruiting
Which Level of College Athletics Is Best for You?
Many high school student-athletes have a goal to continue playing their sport in college. For many that goal involves the desire to play Division I sports. Is playing a Division [...]
Want to Play Sports in College? Do This Right Now
So you've decided playing a sport in college is a major goal of yours. Congratulations! Having the desire to accomplish a goal like this has to start somewhere, and setting [...]
11 Things College Volleyball Coaches Look for From Recruits
The competition for an athletic college scholarship can be ferocious. Many high school athletes want to play sports in college, but each program has only so many precious roster spots [...]
3 Sports Parent Behaviors That Turn Off College Coaches
Recruiting has changed. College coaches are no longer recruiting just the student-athlete—they’re recruiting their parents, too. “An increasingly large part of the evaluation process for us is evaluating the parents,” [...]
Follow This Template to Create the Perfect College Recruiting Video
Before you're offered a spot on a college team, the coach will usually want to see you play in person. While a highlights video isn't a substitute for...
Why ‘Going D1’ Isn’t the End All, Be All
Every serious high school athlete with a desire to participate in college sports has some version of the following plan: Be a standout performer. Get recruited by lots of colleges. [...]
Official vs. Unofficial Visits: What’s the Difference?
Whether you're an aspiring college athlete or not, one of the most effective parts of the college application process is visiting a campus. It's the best way to find out [...]
How Do Athletic Scholarships Actually Work
Athletic scholarships are a great way to cover college costs. Know how to get one and keep it. They're found in NCAA Divisions I and II, where more than...
How to Determine What Showcases and ID Camps to Attend
When you get an invite to a showcase or ID camp, it feels great. Everyone likes to be wanted. But with only so much time and money to use on camps, you...
How to Create the Perfect College Recruiting Highlight Video
Give coaches a chance to see your style of play. The most effective way to do this without having a coach see you play in person, is to post videos to...