Why All Athletes Must Perform Aerobic Base Training
"I'm just here so I don't get fined." He doesn't say much at press conferences, but Marshawn Lynch's game speaks for itself. He's a workhorse of a...
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Trail Running
Trail Running may seem pretty simple—just step off the pavement and onto a path and technically you're doing it. But as writer Bethany Gompers points out on DICK's Sporting Goods' [...]
Football Players: 2-Week Crash Course in Football Conditioning
Two-a-days are not easy. Your coaches push you to the brink of failure to get you in shape for your first game of the season. You had better come prepared, [...]
Are High-Intensity Workouts Making You Fat?
High-Intensity Interval Training promises incredible results in a short amount of time. And for once, a fitness trend lives up to the hype. It actually works as advertised—in most cases. [...]
Get in Shape for Football Season with These Conditioning Workouts
Football conditioning is important for performance. Football is an activity that requires repeated high-intensity activities. Athletes must be in shape...
NBA Stars DeMar DeRozan and DeMarcus Cousins Spin Just Like the Rest of Us
Sitting atop a stationary bike pedaling a mile a minute and being screamed at by an instructor saying "BEAUTY MEANS PAIN," that, "man, I bet NBA players don't have to [...]
Why Better Conditioned Athletes Have Fewer Injuries
Injuries happen in sports. Sometimes they're because an athlete's body is unprepared for intense athletic movements. Sometimes they're just bad luck. If we accept that injuries happen and do nothing [...]
6 Seconds of Effort: How to Build True Football Speed, Power and Conditioning
The goal of functional training is to make athletes better at the sports they play. You don't just work out to get stronger, faster and more explosive—you work out to [...]
The Secret to Conditioning: How to Get in the Right Shape for Your Sport
It doesn’t matter how good you are—if you’re constantly gassed, you’ll never be able to showcase your skills. Playing at a high level continuously without getting tired sounds like a [...]
Get in Shape Fast With Todd Durkin’s 5 Intense Workout Finishers
Finishing your workouts with a conditioning circuit is a great way to get the most out of your time in the weight room. A quick workout finisher can dramatically improve [...]