Exercise of the Week: Kettlebell Strength Circuit
Every Wednesday, STACK features an Exercise of the Week to help you improve your overall sports performance—including strength, speed, conditioning and flexibility. This week we highlight a powerful kettlebell circuit to help develop your lower-body strength.
Who’s Doing It
- AJ Hawk, Green Bay Packers linebacker
Muscular Benefits
- Increases lower body strength, specifically in the glutes, hamstrings, quads, hip and leg muscles
- Improves hip stability and flexibility
Sports Performance Benefits
- Developing hip strength helps you explode off the line, jump up for a ball or tackle an opponent with more force
- Creates balanced strength on both legs so you can change direction or move powerfully, using both legs equally
- Hip mobility allows you to move through a full range of motion without restriction—important for improved running technique
Kettlebell Strength Circuit Description
Circuit the following exercises three times, resting 60 seconds between circuits.
- Kettlebell Bulgarian Squat
- Assume split stance with toe of rear foot on bench behind you
- Hold kettlebell in hand opposite front leg
- Lower hips until front thigh is parallel to ground
- Drive up to start position and repeat for specified reps
- Repeat set on opposite leg
- Sets/Reps: 3×10 each leg
- Kettlebell Single-Leg RDL
- Balance on one leg holding kettlebells at sides
- With balancing leg slightly bent and back flat, bend forward at waist until kettlebells are just above floor
- Return to start; repeat for specified reps
- Perform set on opposite side
- Sets/Reps: 3×10 each leg
- Kettlebell Partial Swing
- Assume athletic quarter-squat stance holding kettlebell between legs
- Keeping arms straight, drive through heels and explode upward with hips to bring kettlebell to chin level in front
- Return to start position with control and repeat rhythmically
- Sets/Reps: 3×6
Coaching Points
- Bulgarian Squat
- Keep front knee behind and in line with toes
- Keep weight on heel
- Single-Leg RDL
- Keep back flat and stable and knee in line with toes
- Reach kettlebell to outside of balancing foot
- Bring back leg to hip level at bottom of movement
- Kettlebell Partial Swing
- Keep heels on ground and use proper squat mechanics
- Drive upward through heels and fully extend hips
- Finish with kettlebell at chin
Do you have an exercise that you want to see featured as an Exercise of the Week? Tweet us at @STACKMedia to let us know.
Exercise of the Week: Kettlebell Strength Circuit
Every Wednesday, STACK features an Exercise of the Week to help you improve your overall sports performance—including strength, speed, conditioning and flexibility. This week we highlight a powerful kettlebell circuit to help develop your lower-body strength.
Who’s Doing It
- AJ Hawk, Green Bay Packers linebacker
Muscular Benefits
- Increases lower body strength, specifically in the glutes, hamstrings, quads, hip and leg muscles
- Improves hip stability and flexibility
Sports Performance Benefits
- Developing hip strength helps you explode off the line, jump up for a ball or tackle an opponent with more force
- Creates balanced strength on both legs so you can change direction or move powerfully, using both legs equally
- Hip mobility allows you to move through a full range of motion without restriction—important for improved running technique
Kettlebell Strength Circuit Description
Circuit the following exercises three times, resting 60 seconds between circuits.
- Kettlebell Bulgarian Squat
- Assume split stance with toe of rear foot on bench behind you
- Hold kettlebell in hand opposite front leg
- Lower hips until front thigh is parallel to ground
- Drive up to start position and repeat for specified reps
- Repeat set on opposite leg
- Sets/Reps: 3×10 each leg
- Kettlebell Single-Leg RDL
- Balance on one leg holding kettlebells at sides
- With balancing leg slightly bent and back flat, bend forward at waist until kettlebells are just above floor
- Return to start; repeat for specified reps
- Perform set on opposite side
- Sets/Reps: 3×10 each leg
- Kettlebell Partial Swing
- Assume athletic quarter-squat stance holding kettlebell between legs
- Keeping arms straight, drive through heels and explode upward with hips to bring kettlebell to chin level in front
- Return to start position with control and repeat rhythmically
- Sets/Reps: 3×6
Coaching Points
- Bulgarian Squat
- Keep front knee behind and in line with toes
- Keep weight on heel
- Single-Leg RDL
- Keep back flat and stable and knee in line with toes
- Reach kettlebell to outside of balancing foot
- Bring back leg to hip level at bottom of movement
- Kettlebell Partial Swing
- Keep heels on ground and use proper squat mechanics
- Drive upward through heels and fully extend hips
- Finish with kettlebell at chin
Do you have an exercise that you want to see featured as an Exercise of the Week? Tweet us at @STACKMedia to let us know.