Florida Schools are Incorporating Tom Brady’s Controversial Fitness Program
About 5,000 students in the Pinellas County Schools system will learn the TB12 Method. Probably due to Tom Brady playing for Tampa Bay over the past few years and recent successes. Pinellas Education Foundation, which started the program, is located about 20 miles from Tampa. They are a community member council seeking to improve public education for children.
The TB12 Program
The TB12 Method will be a pilot program in 10 schools. The TB12 Foundation is supporting the program by donating $30,000 worth of equipment. The students will be taught how to use resistance bands, vibrating spheres, and foam rollers. Brady says this equipment is essential to muscle recovery, injury prevention, and improved performance.
The program will offer two courses. One will be provided and required as a PE course for eighth graders. And the other will be a state-required PE class for all high school students. The TB12 coaches trained the school’s staff on how to teach the curriculum.
Why Controversial?
In 2017 when Brady released his book, his exercise and nutrition programs became controversial. For instance, he uses the word pliability, which “so-called experts” say there are no scientific articles about pliability and muscles. Nonsense! Tom just uses the word pliable to refer to muscles. Simple.
And with nutrition, he does not eat nightshade vegetables because it invokes inflammation that works against the body’s repair. Many athletes follow the same as Tom. He dives into the explanation of why rather than saying don’t do. So, it is not controversial because it is still promoting health.
You need to understand what is being said from a logical or athletic perspective. It is hard to believe someone who says TB12 Method is controversial when Tom is the living proof trying to help you understand his health and fitness. He is just showing you the door to his longevity, athletically and physically. The same as other fitness, health, and professional athletes do in their books.
Why Fitness is Important to Kids?
The TB12 Method is an excellent way to introduce health and fitness to kids. For instance, his 80/20 split diet of plants vs. animals is a perfect way for kids to learn about the significance of eating vegetables. It will further the understanding of anti-inflammation and disease prevention. It does not matter if it is nightshade vegetables or not. Don’t nitpick.
Secondly, the method can help kids become physically active and fit, helping spark interest and self-discovery of their fitness and well-being.
For kids to start partaking in fitness at a young age is essential. It is the key to being disease-free and extending longevity. For instance, when kids start to do physical activity from childhood habitually throughout their whole life, it affects their lifespan. They can delay aging by up to 20 years. So, when they become 50 years old, they will be 30. And when they are 60, they will be 40. Research has determined that regular exercise has an anti-aging effect and extends longevity.
The TB12 Method is very healthy and not detrimental. However, the naysayers overlook that a popular, well-known professional athlete has a substantial influence to inspire and motivate kids to be fit and healthier- an issue that desperately needs attention today.
Florida Schools are Incorporating Tom Brady’s Controversial Fitness Program
About 5,000 students in the Pinellas County Schools system will learn the TB12 Method. Probably due to Tom Brady playing for Tampa Bay over the past few years and recent successes. Pinellas Education Foundation, which started the program, is located about 20 miles from Tampa. They are a community member council seeking to improve public education for children.
The TB12 Program
The TB12 Method will be a pilot program in 10 schools. The TB12 Foundation is supporting the program by donating $30,000 worth of equipment. The students will be taught how to use resistance bands, vibrating spheres, and foam rollers. Brady says this equipment is essential to muscle recovery, injury prevention, and improved performance.
The program will offer two courses. One will be provided and required as a PE course for eighth graders. And the other will be a state-required PE class for all high school students. The TB12 coaches trained the school’s staff on how to teach the curriculum.
Why Controversial?
In 2017 when Brady released his book, his exercise and nutrition programs became controversial. For instance, he uses the word pliability, which “so-called experts” say there are no scientific articles about pliability and muscles. Nonsense! Tom just uses the word pliable to refer to muscles. Simple.
And with nutrition, he does not eat nightshade vegetables because it invokes inflammation that works against the body’s repair. Many athletes follow the same as Tom. He dives into the explanation of why rather than saying don’t do. So, it is not controversial because it is still promoting health.
You need to understand what is being said from a logical or athletic perspective. It is hard to believe someone who says TB12 Method is controversial when Tom is the living proof trying to help you understand his health and fitness. He is just showing you the door to his longevity, athletically and physically. The same as other fitness, health, and professional athletes do in their books.
Why Fitness is Important to Kids?
The TB12 Method is an excellent way to introduce health and fitness to kids. For instance, his 80/20 split diet of plants vs. animals is a perfect way for kids to learn about the significance of eating vegetables. It will further the understanding of anti-inflammation and disease prevention. It does not matter if it is nightshade vegetables or not. Don’t nitpick.
Secondly, the method can help kids become physically active and fit, helping spark interest and self-discovery of their fitness and well-being.
For kids to start partaking in fitness at a young age is essential. It is the key to being disease-free and extending longevity. For instance, when kids start to do physical activity from childhood habitually throughout their whole life, it affects their lifespan. They can delay aging by up to 20 years. So, when they become 50 years old, they will be 30. And when they are 60, they will be 40. Research has determined that regular exercise has an anti-aging effect and extends longevity.
The TB12 Method is very healthy and not detrimental. However, the naysayers overlook that a popular, well-known professional athlete has a substantial influence to inspire and motivate kids to be fit and healthier- an issue that desperately needs attention today.