Athletes like you need to know what to eat to get the most out of your workouts and to fuel up to perform at your highest level during games. Thankfully, USA Football did the research and identified which foods you should steer clear of ahead of practices and competition. In the infographic below, they lay out that info along with tips on how to kick cravings. They also bust some common nutrition myths. Click on the image below to see a full-sized version of the infographic in another tab.
Find more helpful tips and infographics from USA Football at
Athletes like you need to know what to eat to get the most out of your workouts and to fuel up to perform at your highest level during games. Thankfully, USA Football did the research and identified which foods you should steer clear of ahead of practices and competition. In the infographic below, they lay out that info along with tips on how to kick cravings. They also bust some common nutrition myths. Click on the image below to see a full-sized version of the infographic in another tab.
Find more helpful tips and infographics from USA Football at