Power Up Your Golf Swing in 2 Days
Recreational golfers come in all shapes and sizes. You might see someone on the course with a huge gut hitting the ball fairly well with a fluid swing. But that doesn’t mean he is hitting it as far as he is capable. Why? Golfers needs to strength train just like any other athlete.
You can go to the driving range and hit ball after ball, but you simply can’t command yourself to smack the ball for more distance. Technique is critical, but training must play an equal part in your development as a golfer. Focusing too much on technique without training can cause muscle imbalances and mobility issues that may restrict your swing and cause an injury. [1]
To help take your golf game to the next level, I’ve devised a total-body workout that will increase your swing speed by making you stronger. It will also develop core stability and upper-back mobility to help protect your spine and lower back from injury from repeated swings. [2,3]
Do this golf workout program twice per week during days off from practice or matches. Start with the foam rolling and dynamic warm-up sequence, and finish with the post-workout stretches. Perform grouped exercises in superset fashion, meaning no rest between exercises.
Foam Rolling
Dynamic Warm-Up
- Glute Bridge with Mini Bands – 1×10
- Side-Lying Windmill – 1×8 each side
- Thoracic Extension – 1×10
- Wall Hip Flexor Mobility – 1×8 each side
- Walking Spiderman Lunge with Hip Raise – 1×8 each side
- Alternating Lateral Lunge – 1×8 each side
Day 1 – Total Body (Lower-Body Emphasis)
- Overhead Med Ball Slam – 2x10reps
- A1) Trap Bar Deadlift – 3×5
- A2) Feet-Elevated Push-Ups – 3×8
- B1) Standing Single-Arm Row – 3×10 each side
- B2) Front Plank – 3×20 seconds
- C1) DB Goblet Split-Squat – 3×8 each side
- C2) Side Plank – 3×20 seconds
Day 2 – Total Body (Upper-Body Emphasis)
- Rotational Med Ball Scoop – 2×8 each side
- A1) Chin-Ups – 3×6
- A2) DB Goblet Squat – 3×8
- B1) Single-Arm DB Bench Press – 3×8 each side
- B2) DB Stiff-Legged Deadlift – 3×8
- C1) Half-Kneeling Pallof Press – 3×10 each side
- C2) Single-Arm Farmer’s Walk – 3×25 yards up and back
Post-Workout Stretches
- Self-Myofascial Adductor Release x 30 seconds
- Will Hip Flexor and Quad Stretch x 30 seconds
- Lying Knee-to-Knee Stretch x 30 seconds
Power Up Your Golf Swing in 2 Days
Recreational golfers come in all shapes and sizes. You might see someone on the course with a huge gut hitting the ball fairly well with a fluid swing. But that doesn’t mean he is hitting it as far as he is capable. Why? Golfers needs to strength train just like any other athlete.
You can go to the driving range and hit ball after ball, but you simply can’t command yourself to smack the ball for more distance. Technique is critical, but training must play an equal part in your development as a golfer. Focusing too much on technique without training can cause muscle imbalances and mobility issues that may restrict your swing and cause an injury. [1]
To help take your golf game to the next level, I’ve devised a total-body workout that will increase your swing speed by making you stronger. It will also develop core stability and upper-back mobility to help protect your spine and lower back from injury from repeated swings. [2,3]
Do this golf workout program twice per week during days off from practice or matches. Start with the foam rolling and dynamic warm-up sequence, and finish with the post-workout stretches. Perform grouped exercises in superset fashion, meaning no rest between exercises.
Foam Rolling
Dynamic Warm-Up
- Glute Bridge with Mini Bands – 1×10
- Side-Lying Windmill – 1×8 each side
- Thoracic Extension – 1×10
- Wall Hip Flexor Mobility – 1×8 each side
- Walking Spiderman Lunge with Hip Raise – 1×8 each side
- Alternating Lateral Lunge – 1×8 each side
Day 1 – Total Body (Lower-Body Emphasis)
- Overhead Med Ball Slam – 2x10reps
- A1) Trap Bar Deadlift – 3×5
- A2) Feet-Elevated Push-Ups – 3×8
- B1) Standing Single-Arm Row – 3×10 each side
- B2) Front Plank – 3×20 seconds
- C1) DB Goblet Split-Squat – 3×8 each side
- C2) Side Plank – 3×20 seconds
Day 2 – Total Body (Upper-Body Emphasis)
- Rotational Med Ball Scoop – 2×8 each side
- A1) Chin-Ups – 3×6
- A2) DB Goblet Squat – 3×8
- B1) Single-Arm DB Bench Press – 3×8 each side
- B2) DB Stiff-Legged Deadlift – 3×8
- C1) Half-Kneeling Pallof Press – 3×10 each side
- C2) Single-Arm Farmer’s Walk – 3×25 yards up and back
Post-Workout Stretches
- Self-Myofascial Adductor Release x 30 seconds
- Will Hip Flexor and Quad Stretch x 30 seconds
- Lying Knee-to-Knee Stretch x 30 seconds
[1] Westcott, W., Dolan, F., & Carvicchi, T. (1996). “Golf and Strength Training Are Compatible Activities.” Journal of Strength and Conditioning , 54. [2] Vad, V., Bhat, A., Basrai, D., Gebeh, A., Aspergren, D., & Andrew, J. (2004). “Low Back Pain in Professional Golfers: The Role of Associated Hip and Low Back Range-of-Motion Deficits.” The American Journal of Sports Medicine , 494-497. [3] Horton, L. (2010). “Comparison of spine motion in elite golfers with and without low back pain.” Journal of Sports Sciences , 599-605.