Lengthen Your Drives and Lower Your Scores With Golf Weight Training
If a new golf club came with a guarantee that it would add ten yards to every drive, would you buy it? Of course you would. Every serious golfer would want to use that club.
I know of no such magical club, but fortunately there’s another way to achieve the same result—and it doesn’t require expensive new equipment. A well-designed weight training program, focused on power, flexibility and core strength—like the one offered at Core Blend Training—will help any golfer add distance to drives and prevent back-nine fatigue. To lower your scores, try the following workout three times a week and watch your game take off.
The Core Blend Golf Workout
Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (3×10 each arm)
Perform a Dumbbell Bench Press one arm at a time. All the weight on one side forces the core to stabilize, since there’s no weight on the other side to balance it out.
Dumbbell Lawnmower Pull (3×8 each arm)
Start in squat position holding a dumbbell. As you stand up, pull the dumbbell across your body, finishing with the elbow parallel to the shoulder. This move mimics the rotation needed to drive the ball and balances out the anti-rotation work of the Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press.
Reverse Curls (2×12)
Using an overhand grip on the dumbbells, pull your forearms up towards your shoulders. This move strengthens your grip and helps you transfer power from your body into your hands and the club.
Skier Squat Jumps (3×12 each leg)
With all the weight on one leg, jump laterally and land on the opposite leg while tucking the other leg under. Try to cover as much ground as possible; more ground means you’re exploding harder. This teaches the body to load weight on one side and transfer it to the other side, just like in a golf swing.
Dumbbell Swings (3×8)
Holding a dumbbell or kettlebell between your legs in squat position, explode your hips forward as you raise the bell up in the air. This move strengthens the posterior chain and helps protect the lower body against injury.
After hitting the gym with this weight training routine for golf, you’ll be ready to hit the links with renewed confidence. For more golf weight training, check out STACK’s videos with PGA golfer Scott Stallings.
Lengthen Your Drives and Lower Your Scores With Golf Weight Training
If a new golf club came with a guarantee that it would add ten yards to every drive, would you buy it? Of course you would. Every serious golfer would want to use that club.
I know of no such magical club, but fortunately there’s another way to achieve the same result—and it doesn’t require expensive new equipment. A well-designed weight training program, focused on power, flexibility and core strength—like the one offered at Core Blend Training—will help any golfer add distance to drives and prevent back-nine fatigue. To lower your scores, try the following workout three times a week and watch your game take off.
The Core Blend Golf Workout
Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (3×10 each arm)
Perform a Dumbbell Bench Press one arm at a time. All the weight on one side forces the core to stabilize, since there’s no weight on the other side to balance it out.
Dumbbell Lawnmower Pull (3×8 each arm)
Start in squat position holding a dumbbell. As you stand up, pull the dumbbell across your body, finishing with the elbow parallel to the shoulder. This move mimics the rotation needed to drive the ball and balances out the anti-rotation work of the Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press.
Reverse Curls (2×12)
Using an overhand grip on the dumbbells, pull your forearms up towards your shoulders. This move strengthens your grip and helps you transfer power from your body into your hands and the club.
Skier Squat Jumps (3×12 each leg)
With all the weight on one leg, jump laterally and land on the opposite leg while tucking the other leg under. Try to cover as much ground as possible; more ground means you’re exploding harder. This teaches the body to load weight on one side and transfer it to the other side, just like in a golf swing.
Dumbbell Swings (3×8)
Holding a dumbbell or kettlebell between your legs in squat position, explode your hips forward as you raise the bell up in the air. This move strengthens the posterior chain and helps protect the lower body against injury.
After hitting the gym with this weight training routine for golf, you’ll be ready to hit the links with renewed confidence. For more golf weight training, check out STACK’s videos with PGA golfer Scott Stallings.