Improve Shoulder Flexibility With the Rotater
Shoulder flexibility is critical in almost all sports, especially those involving throwing and serving. After heavy use, the shoulder’s range of motion can be limited by muscle tightness. The Rotater, a plastic L-shaped device, was designed to help athletes overcome shoulder tightness, reduce the chance of injury and improve performance.
It seems simple at first glance, but the Rotator is a powerful tool for moving the arm through its natural range of motion, facilitating stretches previously available only with the help of an athletic trainer or physical therapist. The advantage of the Rotater is that you are in control of the stretch—you know when you need more stretching and when to ease up.
Following the Rotater’s online exercise guide takes you through several stretches that improve shoulder flexibility from a variety of positions. It reduces or eliminates tightness in the rotator cuff and other supporting muscles so you can perform skills fluidly and unimpeded.
The Rotater is easy to set up. You place the back of your hand and wrist against the strap side of the device and secure the strap around your wrist. The handle should be in line with your elbow, perpendicular to your arm. Once it’s in a comfortable position, grasp the handle with your opposite hand and move your arm into a stretching exercise.
The Rotater is a valuable and convenient tool to have in your training room. It can not only prevent injuries, but also make you a more effective athlete. The Rotater is available at for $59.97.
Improve Shoulder Flexibility With the Rotater
Shoulder flexibility is critical in almost all sports, especially those involving throwing and serving. After heavy use, the shoulder’s range of motion can be limited by muscle tightness. The Rotater, a plastic L-shaped device, was designed to help athletes overcome shoulder tightness, reduce the chance of injury and improve performance.
It seems simple at first glance, but the Rotator is a powerful tool for moving the arm through its natural range of motion, facilitating stretches previously available only with the help of an athletic trainer or physical therapist. The advantage of the Rotater is that you are in control of the stretch—you know when you need more stretching and when to ease up.
Following the Rotater’s online exercise guide takes you through several stretches that improve shoulder flexibility from a variety of positions. It reduces or eliminates tightness in the rotator cuff and other supporting muscles so you can perform skills fluidly and unimpeded.
The Rotater is easy to set up. You place the back of your hand and wrist against the strap side of the device and secure the strap around your wrist. The handle should be in line with your elbow, perpendicular to your arm. Once it’s in a comfortable position, grasp the handle with your opposite hand and move your arm into a stretching exercise.
The Rotater is a valuable and convenient tool to have in your training room. It can not only prevent injuries, but also make you a more effective athlete. The Rotater is available at for $59.97.