If you can’t find ice time, there are other ways to work on your power skating before the season starts.
“The thing about sport specificity is you have to be creative,” says University of Minnesota strength and conditioning coach Cal Dietz. “You have to mimic the sporting movement, and you have to mimic the speed at which it happens.”
To imitate skating movements off the ice, Dietz incorporates resistance-band training into the Golden Gophers’ workout routine. Tension from the resistance band requires you to propel your body forward, which simulates the skating motion by pushing the ground behind you.
Note: You’re going to need a partner for the resistance-band exercises, so bring your linemates along. Besides working on your stride, you can also build team chemistry.
Walking Band Lunge with Jump
• Place resistance band around hips (partner will pull on band)
• Jump forward into lunge position
• Get as high as possible on each jump
• Perform movement quickly
Sets/Reps/Rest: 2/4-6/60-90 seconds
Coaching Point: Quickly and explosively jump into position
Power Step-Up
• Place resistance band around hips (partner will pull on band)
• Start standing two to three steps away from box
• Step onto box, pushing down with front leg and jumping as hard as possible
• Go through the full range of motion
Sets/Reps/Rest: 2/5-6 for each leg/60 seconds
Coaching Point: Fully extend calf muscles as you step up
If you can’t find ice time, there are other ways to work on your power skating before the season starts.
“The thing about sport specificity is you have to be creative,” says University of Minnesota strength and conditioning coach Cal Dietz. “You have to mimic the sporting movement, and you have to mimic the speed at which it happens.”
To imitate skating movements off the ice, Dietz incorporates resistance-band training into the Golden Gophers’ workout routine. Tension from the resistance band requires you to propel your body forward, which simulates the skating motion by pushing the ground behind you.
Note: You’re going to need a partner for the resistance-band exercises, so bring your linemates along. Besides working on your stride, you can also build team chemistry.
Walking Band Lunge with Jump
• Place resistance band around hips (partner will pull on band)
• Jump forward into lunge position
• Get as high as possible on each jump
• Perform movement quickly
Sets/Reps/Rest: 2/4-6/60-90 seconds
Coaching Point: Quickly and explosively jump into position
Power Step-Up
• Place resistance band around hips (partner will pull on band)
• Start standing two to three steps away from box
• Step onto box, pushing down with front leg and jumping as hard as possible
• Go through the full range of motion
Sets/Reps/Rest: 2/5-6 for each leg/60 seconds
Coaching Point: Fully extend calf muscles as you step up