Prevent Acne Caused By Training
Acne mechanica, a form of acne most commonly found among athletes, can be caused by heat, covered skin, constant pressure and repetitive friction against the skin.
Although acne can’t sideline a career, it can hurt an athlete’s confidence and self-esteem—and low morale can diminish performance during competition.
To keep your epidermis—and your game—looking good, follow these acne prevention tips from Herbal Nutrition Solutions:
Shower Up
As soon as training ends, hit the showers. Use an exfoliating cleanser on your skin, but don’t scrub too hard. Intense scrubbing can actually irritate existing acne and induce new breakouts. If showering is not an option, use medicated skin pads (easy to pack in your gym bag).
Change Your Clothes
Moisture advances the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Sitting around in your sweaty gear after training is asking for trouble. Shower if possible, but if not, gently blot your skin dry with a clean towel; wiping sweat off may actually clog pores and irritate skin. Then change into dry clothes.
Properly Fit and Clean Your Gear
Sports equipment is a common hosts for acne bacteria. Constantly sweating in your gear while it rubs along your skin will get acne forming in no time. To prevent friction, secure your gear comfortably tight. If possible, line it with soft, washable fabrics, like a cotton bandana. And always wipe off your gear with disinfectant pads (like Clorox Wipes) to keep it clean.
For more tips on preventing acne breakouts while training, check out the full prevention summary at
Prevent Acne Caused By Training
Acne mechanica, a form of acne most commonly found among athletes, can be caused by heat, covered skin, constant pressure and repetitive friction against the skin.
Although acne can’t sideline a career, it can hurt an athlete’s confidence and self-esteem—and low morale can diminish performance during competition.
To keep your epidermis—and your game—looking good, follow these acne prevention tips from Herbal Nutrition Solutions:
Shower Up
As soon as training ends, hit the showers. Use an exfoliating cleanser on your skin, but don’t scrub too hard. Intense scrubbing can actually irritate existing acne and induce new breakouts. If showering is not an option, use medicated skin pads (easy to pack in your gym bag).
Change Your Clothes
Moisture advances the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Sitting around in your sweaty gear after training is asking for trouble. Shower if possible, but if not, gently blot your skin dry with a clean towel; wiping sweat off may actually clog pores and irritate skin. Then change into dry clothes.
Properly Fit and Clean Your Gear
Sports equipment is a common hosts for acne bacteria. Constantly sweating in your gear while it rubs along your skin will get acne forming in no time. To prevent friction, secure your gear comfortably tight. If possible, line it with soft, washable fabrics, like a cotton bandana. And always wipe off your gear with disinfectant pads (like Clorox Wipes) to keep it clean.
For more tips on preventing acne breakouts while training, check out the full prevention summary at