STACKletes Hit the Gym: Deadlifts, Agility and Bodyweight Exercises
STACK is dedicated to helping athletes improve their sports performance. We do that by publishing the latest information and research on training, nutrition, sports skills and gear—and by showcasing the workouts performed by elite professional athletes.
But every now and again, we like to check in with our readers and website visitors to learn what they are doing, too. Thus, we recently asked on Facebook and Twitter, “What’s your workout of the day?” And we were pleased with the answers we received from several STACKletes.
Luke Riggs took it upon himself to do some Presses, Curls, leg work and Deadlifts following football practice. Our only advice to Luke would be: don’t overdo it! But it sounds like he has a good idea of what his body can handle, and he’s really pushing himself to make it to the next level.
STACKlete Ryan Anderson could be found in the weight room after basketball practice. Then he topped off his workout with a one-mile jog, which is a nice way to power down after running up and down the court and hitting the weights. We recommend performing post-workout runs like Anderson’s on a rubberized track (or similar surface) to reduce stress on the knees. Basketball is hard on the knees, so it’s important to give them a break whenever you can.
Last but not least, Zak Palek–a football player at Spruce Grove Composite High School (Alberta, Canada)—worked on the agility ladder for 15 minutes before moving on to Pull-Ups, Push-Ups and other bodyweight exercises. Just like the pros, Zak did a core circuit at the end of his workout. He sounds like an athlete who is practicing what we preach at STACK!
For a chance to be featured on the STACK blog, remember to post your workout and ask us questions on our Facebook page—or Tweet us at @STACKMedia. We’re proud of the positive influence we’ve had on young athletes over the years, and we’ll continue to offer the latest sports performance information. Keep up the great work!
STACKletes Hit the Gym: Deadlifts, Agility and Bodyweight Exercises
STACK is dedicated to helping athletes improve their sports performance. We do that by publishing the latest information and research on training, nutrition, sports skills and gear—and by showcasing the workouts performed by elite professional athletes.
But every now and again, we like to check in with our readers and website visitors to learn what they are doing, too. Thus, we recently asked on Facebook and Twitter, “What’s your workout of the day?” And we were pleased with the answers we received from several STACKletes.
Luke Riggs took it upon himself to do some Presses, Curls, leg work and Deadlifts following football practice. Our only advice to Luke would be: don’t overdo it! But it sounds like he has a good idea of what his body can handle, and he’s really pushing himself to make it to the next level.
STACKlete Ryan Anderson could be found in the weight room after basketball practice. Then he topped off his workout with a one-mile jog, which is a nice way to power down after running up and down the court and hitting the weights. We recommend performing post-workout runs like Anderson’s on a rubberized track (or similar surface) to reduce stress on the knees. Basketball is hard on the knees, so it’s important to give them a break whenever you can.
Last but not least, Zak Palek–a football player at Spruce Grove Composite High School (Alberta, Canada)—worked on the agility ladder for 15 minutes before moving on to Pull-Ups, Push-Ups and other bodyweight exercises. Just like the pros, Zak did a core circuit at the end of his workout. He sounds like an athlete who is practicing what we preach at STACK!
For a chance to be featured on the STACK blog, remember to post your workout and ask us questions on our Facebook page—or Tweet us at @STACKMedia. We’re proud of the positive influence we’ve had on young athletes over the years, and we’ll continue to offer the latest sports performance information. Keep up the great work!