9 Easy and Portable Pre-Game Snacks for Athletes
You know you won’t perform your best on an empty tank.
Top 10 Supplements for Football Players
Football is a demanding sport at any level. From high school to the pros, football players are always looking for ways to take their game to the next level. One [...]
Is Coconut Oil Healthy?
Have you heard about the new “miracle food”? Oh, you’ve got to try it. Did you know it cures cancer? And whitens your teeth? And prevents Alzheimer’s? It also reduces [...]
Benefits of Coconut Water for Athletes
Top Benefits of Coconut Water for Athletes
The Top 15 Halloween Candies You Should Definitely Avoid
Some candies are worse than others.
Tom Brady’s Dessert When He’s on Vacation is Healthier Than Most of Your Meals
There's been a lot of news lately about Tom Brady's insanely strict diet. A recent story attempted to make the possibly robotic quarterback seem a bit more human by showing what [...]
Surprising Muscle-Building Snacks
Anyone looking to gain muscle needs to know nutrition is the hard part in terms of getting the right calories, at the right times, with the right...
Types of Yogurt: What’s New and What’s Best for Athletes
4 new types of yogurt Step aside Greek yogurt, make way for three new types of yogurts making their way onto our grocery shelves. Have you ever looked...
Coconut Sugar: What Is It, and Is It Good for You?
One of the newest sweeteners to show up in grocery stores is coconut sugar. It is a minimally processed natural sugar made from dried coconut palm...
Got (Almond) Milk? How 6 Popular Milk Alternatives Measure Up
We all remember the famous ads from days past, our favorite athletes smiling below white milk mustaches and big letters questioning us, "Got Milk?" Well if those same ads ran [...]