5 Things You Should Never Do When Ordering a Sandwich
To help you avoid sinking the healthiness of your sandwich, here are 5 common mistakes people make when trying to order a nutritious sub.
Always Hungry? These 6 Healthy Snacks Are Guaranteed to Fill You Up
There’s being hungry, and there’s being hungry.
Why The Sugar in Fruit Doesn’t Make You Fat
Sugar is bad.
Is Orange Juice Actually Healthy?
The typical thought of the average person is that "juice" is healthy for you. The question persists, is orange juice actually healthy? First off, one...
A Matter of Taste: Why We Now Love Foods We Used to Hate
Here's how we come to love the foods we used to loathe.
Why Iceberg Lettuce is Better for You Than You Think
Your salad has been done wrong. It’s time to set the record straight.
Is Nutritional Yeast the Next Big Thing in Health Food?
Despite its dull name, nutritional yeast has all the ingredients of a food that could explode in popularity.
Turmeric: Is This ‘Miracle Food’ the Real Deal? Here’s What the Research Says
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past three months, you’ve probably heard about turmeric. If not, here’s a quick rundown: Turmeric is a plant in the ginger [...]
What Can I Eat To Recover Faster?
Does diet expedite recovery from a torn ACL, Achilles tendonitis, or broken bones? Would more vitamins be helpful? What about collagen supplements? At the 2020 virtual conference of the Academy [...]
Why Athletes Should Throw Out the Scale
Many of my athletes are surprised to find that I will often not weigh them at our nutrition appointments. One of my biggest turn offs when it comes to...