How to Perform ‘The Lewit,’ The Best Core Exercise You’ve Never Heard Of
Have you ever noticed when performing an upper-body exercise—such as the Overhead Press—that your ribcage protrudes out? It may not seem terribly concerning, but it’s actually limiting your strength and [...]
3 Ways to Develop Fast-Twitch Muscles
So you want to be as strong as the Hulk, as fast as Flash, and as awesome as Superman. The secret to unlocking your superhuman potential may just lie...
Game-Day Nutrition for Soccer Players
The nutritional needs of soccer players tend to be higher than most athletes due to the constant motion and requirements of the game.
The 5-Minute Warm-Up You Must Do Before Squats
Squats are terrific for building muscle and burning fat—unless your form is terrible. Without the proper warm-up, athletes can suffer a variety of injuries to their lower back, hips and [...]
Is Single-Leg Strength Training Right for You?
The unilateral versus bilateral training debate is just about as controversial as what came first, the chicken or the egg? If you were to ask personal trainers, fitness coaches or [...]
Dumbbell Push Press: How-To, Benefits and Common Mistakes
The Dumbbell Push Press is a variation of the traditional Barbell Push Press that develops lower-body power, shoulder strength and shoulder size. Read our guide to the Push Press for [...]
Power Clean Form 101: Perfect Your Form and Build Power
The Power Clean is an explosive full-body exercise that can help any athlete in any sport–if it’s performed correctly. But this exercise—like all Olympic lifts—is very technical and needs to [...]
How to Master the Single-Leg Squat
Single-leg squats are difficult. So difficult that many of you can’t even do a single rep, nevertheless add weight to the exercise. And who wants to do something you’re not [...]
Build Strong Rear Delts With the Bent-Over Lateral Raise
As I do with all of my articles I try to make an effort to make my content applicable to the sports performance world. This subject is probably more...
Do Step Counters Really Work?
It seems like a new type of fitness tracker or step counter hits the market every day. With all the major tech companies jumping into the fray, we have more [...]