Nike’s Fastest Football Cleat Ever
The name of the game is controlled speed, and every footballer wants it. One way to gain a half step over your opponent is to wear a lightweight, quick-reacting cleat. [...]
9 Essential Energy and Recovery Foods
Your body works ’round the clock to repair itself. But your hefty workload means you need the right tools available at all times. New York Giants nutrition consultant Heidi Skolnik [...]
Eating on the Road
Breakfast for dinner? Liz Applegate says it’s a winner, especially when you’re eating on the road. The UC Davis sports nutrition director and Oakland Raiders consultant recommends dishing up a [...]
Meal Replacements
If you can’t take a seat to eat, grabbing something quick can do the trick. “First and foremost, anything is better than nothing at all,” says Tom Moffitt, LSU’s director [...]
Breakfast Burrito Recipe
Sports nutrition consultant Chris Mohr serves up a fast and healthy morning starter. Ingredients: 2 eggs, veggies of your choice, low fat cheese, whole-wheat tortilla and salsa. One of the [...]
Simple Snacks
Whether you’re hitting the weights or pounding the pavement, you’re burning energy as you go. Stay prepared for the action by fueling up with snacks between meals. Bite into these [...]
Energy Gels
Need a boost during your long workout? Sugar-packed candy won't do the trick, but energy gels and other chewable carbohydrate sources are perfect options. Both are portable and easily digestible. [...]
Not-So-Healthy “Health” Foods
Just because a food is labeled sugar-free, cholesterol-free or low fat doesn't mean it's good for you. Check out this list of foods that are commonly mistaken as nutritious, along [...]
Nutrition Label Lowdown
Getting enough of the right fuel is tough to do for busy, developing athletes. But you can help yourself by knowing what to look for on food labels, which tell [...]
How the Utah Jazz Improve Big-Man Speed
Utah Jazz forward Carlos Boozer dominates the hardwood. His powerful speed, combined with his soft touch, allows him to get in position to be an offensive and defensive threat. To [...]