Greek Yogurt
6 Delicious and Healthy Overnight Oatmeal Recipes
Oatmeal is the cornerstone of many athletes’ breakfasts, and for good reason. It's fairly quick, easy to make and supplies a steady stream of carb energy. But if you’re really [...]
Easy Gluten-Free Meals for Athletes
Is Going Gluten Free for You? A Sample Menu Plan for Gluten Free Athletes (Gluten Allergies) Amy Jamieson-Petonic Working with athletes, I often get...
5 Protein-Packed Recovery Shakes
You put your body through a lot when you work out and you should reward it with fuel. Recovery shakes filled with protein and complex carbohydrates are...
Sports Nutrition for Coaches: What to Tell Your Athletes
How can my athletes gain muscle mass and get stronger? Why are my players losing so much weight? What should my players be eating? These are the three...
Fuel Up Fast With 4 Smoothies From the New York Giants
Photo: Getty Images via Thinkstock Let’s face it: An athlete’s diet can seem pretty bland. If you’re following all the rules, it’s grilled chicken breast, veggies, rice, repeat. [...]
5 Non-Boring Ways To Eat Chicken
Student-athletes are busy people. STACK understands that. That’s why we are bringing you our “Non-Boring Ways to Eat” series, each installment of which presents a week’s worth of healthy, performance-fueling [...]
Spice Up Your Healthy Cooking With These Lively Combos
The first summer I lived on my own, I had to learn to cook. I planned to eat my way to Dwayne Johnson proportions making the only meals I knew: plain...
4 Simple Pre-Turkey Bowl Snacks
Don’t get fried on the football field this Turkey Bowl season. Fuel up with these quick-fix fall favorites before the game and play your best while saving room for the [...]
Russell Wilson’s ‘Recovery Window’ Fueling
Russell Wilson eats as soon as possible after practice and games to hit the "recovery window," a period in which muscles eagerly absorb replenishing nutrients. Recovery Window Nutrition After you [...]
5 Healthy Snacks That Will Fill You Up
Filling Healthy Snacks Everyone has different food preferences, and taste buds adapt as you age. In particular, research shows that men tend to be...