Mobility Work
Top 3 Exercises to Relieve and Prevent Knee Pain
Knee injuries and knee pain plague athletes and the general population, alike. Knee injuries can be caused by multiple factors, such as traumatic injuries, overuse injuries and non-contact injuries. One [...]
This Ankle Mobility Test Is Used at the NFL Combine. Can You Pass It?
We take our feet for granted.
Gymnastic Work Can Be the Game-Changer You Need in Your Training Routine
Now more than ever, athletes are embracing the weight room. Traditional strength training has proven benefits for any athlete, regardless of the sport. For the purpose of this article, traditional [...]
Why Forcing ‘Better’ Biomechanics on Athletes Doesn’t Always Make Sense
When it comes to complex sport movement, there is no textbook technique. So why do many coaches try to force their athletes into what they deem as perfect form? Although [...]
Why Athletes Need ‘Movement Variability,’ and How Coaches Can Deliver It
A popular term as of late is "variability;" specifically, "movement variability." Previously, variability has been thought to be bad in athletes. We wanted our athletes to have consistent, repeatable actions [...]
How to Increase Your Bat Speed by Increasing Your Mobility
A few months back, I sat down and watched our hitting instructor, Coach Mike Rozema, give a hitting lesson. While listening to his cues, I tried to pinpoint some physical [...]
The 4 Things WWE and NXT Superstars Do Before Every Workout
Sports entertainment has changed a lot in the last few decades. The movesets have evolved well beyond your standard strikes and suplexes, as WWE and NXT superstars now display stunning [...]
9 Exercises You Can Do Everyday to Make Yourself a Better Athlete
Athletes know the importance of taking care of their body. But a few training sessions a week may not be enough to overcome the muscle imbalances and postural deficiencies our [...]
Hockey Players: Fix Your Bad Hips With These 3 Mobility Exercises
Tight, immobile hips bother practically every hockey player at all levels of competition. Being tight in the front of your hips can lead to a bunch of nasty side effects, [...]
9 Components of a Fantastic Arm Care Program for Pitchers
A pitcher has to take care of their arm. If you clicked on this article, you likely know that much. My goal with this piece is to make you re-evaluate [...]