Is CrossFit a Good ‘Fit’ For Baseball Players?
It seems like you can walk more the 20 yards nowadays without crossing paths with a CrossFit affiliated gym. Unless you've been living underneath a rock...
Should Basketball Players Bench Press?
The bench press for basketball players: Is it helping or hurting your shot? Over the years we've seen an exponential increase in the amount of...
Flexibility for Cross Country From the Ground Up
Cross Country athletes, and runners in general, typically have two goals: Run faster and stay injury free. Both performance and injury prevention are a...
Squatting Technique for Injury Prevention in Basketball Players
With the demands of the basketball season, as well as the AAU season and training that is involved once the regular season has ended for youth...
You’re Doing It Wrong: The Warm-Up
Bob walks into the gym sipping his highly caffeinated pre workout and hops on the treadmill to warm up. Bob doesn't necessarily like to do this, he...
3 Exercises to Develop Your Barbell Snatch Technique
The Barbell Snatch, an Olympic lift where the bar is lifted overhead in one fluent movement, is commonly used to increase strength and power during...
How to Dunk This Year
So, you want to learn how to dunk this year. That's an ambitious and admirable goal. And if you work hard enough and follow a solid training program,...
Warrior Dynasty 2.0 Base Layer Shirt
If you want to live and play in Snipe City, you'd best join the "dynasty"—Warrior Dynasty, that is—the ace of base layer performance apparel. Scoring was at an all-time high [...]
Fundamentals of a Pre-Workout Warm-Up
The pre workout warm up is an often skipped over part of the workout process. Many feel it's not important, or they just don't have the time for a warm...
5 Self-Tests Athletes Must Do Before Off-Season Training
Sports are tough on the body. And diving right into an off-season training program—or worse, trying to get a baseline of your strength by “maxing out”—can limit your gains and [...]