Training Plan
How to Blast Through Training Plateaus and Regularly Set PRs
This article will save many people from getting stuck and plateauing with their training. This is about earning personal records (PR's) once you pass...
4 New Wrestling Diet Rules That National Champions Follow—and You Should Too
Weight cutting in wrestling is as common as sunflower seeds in baseball or missing teeth in hockey. The long-held belief is that competing in the lowest...
How to Make Consistent Strength Gains Without Burning Yourself Out
Structured deload weeks are a waste of time for non-competitive lifters. Sure, going heavy for three weeks and drastically cutting volume and intensity...
How to Determine the Best Exercises for Your Workout Program
As an athlete or a coach, you are often met with the task of writing up a training program either for yourself or one of your athletes. But what's the...
This Year-Long Training Schedule Helps You Get Stronger, Even During Your Season
What is periodization? Periodization is the systematic planning of changes in training volume, intensity and frequency as well as exercise selection...
The Right Way to Set Exercise Personal Records
When you decide to get stronger and start strength training with weights the initial improvements are fast and easy. Essentially, every workout you can...
Should You Focus on Your Strengths or Weaknesses in the Weight Room?
How We Can Apply The Lessons of the Nerd to Human Performance Nerds and Muscles In today's article we're exploring the world of the nerd (I use the term...
3 Essential Training Tactics for Offensive Linemen
The offensive line is the lifeblood of every football team, but let's face it, the big guys up front rarely get any glory. For the most part, playing on...
How To Schedule Your Triathlon Training The Right Way
It is said of war that no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy, and that is just as true when it comes to scheduling a triathlon training...
Complete Track Training Plan, Part 2: The Competition Phase
This is the next part of the annual track training plan for a triple jump athlete. The next phase is the preparatory phase which is followed by a 32...