The Best TRX Core Exercise You’ve Never Seen
Equipment like TRX straps can give athletes some of the largest bang for their buck in the entire gym when it comes to workload efficiency.
One of the best features of TRX exercises is that there is always at least a small component of core stabilization required. Whether it’s a Row, Push-Up or an actual “core” exercise, the torso will be challenged in strength and stability due to the nature of the equipment. This allows athletes to build stability through strength, which I believe is the most effective way and has carryover above and beyond what you’d get from balance training, unstable surface training and other similar methods.
In terms of core-specific exercises, the TRX is a very powerful tool. With variations like Body Saws, Reverse Crunches (Knees to Chest) and Fallouts all readily available, it gives athletes another option in core training that doesn’t involved mundane, ineffective exercises.
This specific variation of a TRX Fallout includes a band and has recently become one of my favorites due the addition of accommodating resistance. Simply loop a band around your feet and secure the other end in your hands, and you’re good to go.
Like all Fallouts, the Band-Resisted TRX Fallout is best started with a slightly rounded back and a deep diaphragmatic breath. I like the back to begin slightly rounded for two main reasons. First, it sets athletes up for a good smooth inhalation and bracing of the core. Secondly, it helps serve as a reminder to keep a solid position in the lumbar spine. Naturally, as you go into the range of motion your upper back will not stay rounded. It will flatten out as your shoulders go into flexion, achieving a more neutral position.
As you fall out into the motion, make sure you achieve full hip extension without compensation through the lower back. As your arms come out in front of the body, the band tension will increase to maximal levels. This reinforces anti-flexion, anti-extension and anti-rotation of the low back as well as places additional load onto the working muscles.
On the descent back to the starting position, the maximal band tension will be forcing speed into the eccentric phase. Controlling the eccentric portion of the Fallout with band resistance without losing balance or control is very important and simulates a lot of sport-specific core demands. This increases an athlete’s ability to absorb force through the core and this reapply it in a different direction, which can come in handy with cutting, accelerating, jumping, landing and more.
Try this TRX Banded Fallout as a progression to the kneeling fallout before you go to standing or other variations. It seems to be the sweet spot to make that transition and may even be a safer, better option for your athlete!
The Best TRX Core Exercise You’ve Never Seen
Equipment like TRX straps can give athletes some of the largest bang for their buck in the entire gym when it comes to workload efficiency.
One of the best features of TRX exercises is that there is always at least a small component of core stabilization required. Whether it’s a Row, Push-Up or an actual “core” exercise, the torso will be challenged in strength and stability due to the nature of the equipment. This allows athletes to build stability through strength, which I believe is the most effective way and has carryover above and beyond what you’d get from balance training, unstable surface training and other similar methods.
In terms of core-specific exercises, the TRX is a very powerful tool. With variations like Body Saws, Reverse Crunches (Knees to Chest) and Fallouts all readily available, it gives athletes another option in core training that doesn’t involved mundane, ineffective exercises.
This specific variation of a TRX Fallout includes a band and has recently become one of my favorites due the addition of accommodating resistance. Simply loop a band around your feet and secure the other end in your hands, and you’re good to go.
Like all Fallouts, the Band-Resisted TRX Fallout is best started with a slightly rounded back and a deep diaphragmatic breath. I like the back to begin slightly rounded for two main reasons. First, it sets athletes up for a good smooth inhalation and bracing of the core. Secondly, it helps serve as a reminder to keep a solid position in the lumbar spine. Naturally, as you go into the range of motion your upper back will not stay rounded. It will flatten out as your shoulders go into flexion, achieving a more neutral position.
As you fall out into the motion, make sure you achieve full hip extension without compensation through the lower back. As your arms come out in front of the body, the band tension will increase to maximal levels. This reinforces anti-flexion, anti-extension and anti-rotation of the low back as well as places additional load onto the working muscles.
On the descent back to the starting position, the maximal band tension will be forcing speed into the eccentric phase. Controlling the eccentric portion of the Fallout with band resistance without losing balance or control is very important and simulates a lot of sport-specific core demands. This increases an athlete’s ability to absorb force through the core and this reapply it in a different direction, which can come in handy with cutting, accelerating, jumping, landing and more.
Try this TRX Banded Fallout as a progression to the kneeling fallout before you go to standing or other variations. It seems to be the sweet spot to make that transition and may even be a safer, better option for your athlete!