This Partner Workout Will Get You (and Your Partner) Strong and Jacked
Life is always better with a partner. That’s true of workouts too. Together you can save money on gas while driving to the gym, motivate each other to reach new goals, and take solace in knowing there’s a person besides you going through the same torture. (Wait, I mean “fun!”)
I’ve tested this personally and found time and time again that the camaraderie and competition that you get from working out with a partner makes me perform far better.
I recently had the honor to team up with Gideon Akande, Men’s Health 2015 Top Trainer and creator of the Riptensity DVD. He and I went through a training session designed to work both our cardiovascular and strength systems. As you might imagine, he did not let me slack off. No, sir!
How You Do It
- Partner up and perform each exercise for 1 minute
- There are four exercises total in a round
- No resting between movements
- Rest for 1 minute between rounds (not long!)
- Repeat for 3 rounds
Bam! You are in and out of the gym in 15 minutes! But be forewarned: Those 15 minutes will be tough. Better get your mind right.
The Moves
Around The World Push-Ups
This is a huge challenge for your chest and core. It looks easy but it’s not. Trust me. Lock in and keep your push-up form correct. At the top of each Push-Up, raise one limb. Start with your left hand, then your right hand, left foot, right foot. Each time you raise a limb, your core will want to sway from side to side. Don’t let it! Keep your core tight and go on to the next rep.
Half-Kneeling Med Ball Side Toss
Not a lot of thought needed for this one. Stand tall with your chest up to make most of your power come from your outside glute when you throw. This is as much of a booty builder as it is a core blaster. Don’t be afraid to let that ball go! Your partner has to be ready. Each time he catches it, he has to brace his core. (And so do you.)
Typewriter to Burpee
For this one, you don’t have to be in sync like we were. We just felt like looking good (ha!). However you do it, make sure to keep your knees high and tighten your abs while you do the Typewriters. When you hit your Burpee mark (can be 5 yards or so), drop into your Burpee and get back up fast into the next Typewriter.
Wall Ball to Burpee
This is a fun one to finish with. The goal is to catch your partner slipping and get the ball to the ground before he/she can get to it. The same goes for you too, so be ready! Use your butt to do the wall ball movement, then get your butt to the ground and hit that Burpee. The fun will make this move fly by and leave you sweating!
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This Partner Workout Will Get You (and Your Partner) Strong and Jacked
Life is always better with a partner. That’s true of workouts too. Together you can save money on gas while driving to the gym, motivate each other to reach new goals, and take solace in knowing there’s a person besides you going through the same torture. (Wait, I mean “fun!”)
I’ve tested this personally and found time and time again that the camaraderie and competition that you get from working out with a partner makes me perform far better.
I recently had the honor to team up with Gideon Akande, Men’s Health 2015 Top Trainer and creator of the Riptensity DVD. He and I went through a training session designed to work both our cardiovascular and strength systems. As you might imagine, he did not let me slack off. No, sir!
How You Do It
- Partner up and perform each exercise for 1 minute
- There are four exercises total in a round
- No resting between movements
- Rest for 1 minute between rounds (not long!)
- Repeat for 3 rounds
Bam! You are in and out of the gym in 15 minutes! But be forewarned: Those 15 minutes will be tough. Better get your mind right.
The Moves
Around The World Push-Ups
This is a huge challenge for your chest and core. It looks easy but it’s not. Trust me. Lock in and keep your push-up form correct. At the top of each Push-Up, raise one limb. Start with your left hand, then your right hand, left foot, right foot. Each time you raise a limb, your core will want to sway from side to side. Don’t let it! Keep your core tight and go on to the next rep.
Half-Kneeling Med Ball Side Toss
Not a lot of thought needed for this one. Stand tall with your chest up to make most of your power come from your outside glute when you throw. This is as much of a booty builder as it is a core blaster. Don’t be afraid to let that ball go! Your partner has to be ready. Each time he catches it, he has to brace his core. (And so do you.)
Typewriter to Burpee
For this one, you don’t have to be in sync like we were. We just felt like looking good (ha!). However you do it, make sure to keep your knees high and tighten your abs while you do the Typewriters. When you hit your Burpee mark (can be 5 yards or so), drop into your Burpee and get back up fast into the next Typewriter.
Wall Ball to Burpee
This is a fun one to finish with. The goal is to catch your partner slipping and get the ball to the ground before he/she can get to it. The same goes for you too, so be ready! Use your butt to do the wall ball movement, then get your butt to the ground and hit that Burpee. The fun will make this move fly by and leave you sweating!
More from Ben Boudro
4 Suspension Training Exercises That Shred Your Core
Build Muscle and Burn Fat with this At-Home Circuit Workout
Get Ripped FAST with Just 4 Moves