How Does Your Vertical Jump Measure Up?
Every week, a new STACK Challenge gives you an opportunity to test your athletic ability and win a STACK T-shirt. Take the challenge and enter to win by tweeting your results with #STACKChallenge.
A huge vertical jump isn’t just useful for sports like volleyball and basketball. Build a bigger verticala nd you’ll develop lower-body explosiveness that can improve your performance no matter what sport you play.
How to Measure a Vertical Jump
You probably don’t have access to a $500+ vertical measurement device like the ones you see at the NFL Combine, but you can still get an accurate measurement of your vertical jump at home. All you need are a wall and some measuring tape. Here’s how:
- Stand with your side to a wall
- With your feet flat on the ground, reach the arm closest to the wall as high as possible
- Mark the highest spot you can reach. Either put chalk on your fingertips or have a friend mark it with tape
- From the same standing position, jump and hit the wall at the highest point of your jump. Mark the spot the same way you did earlier
- Try three to five jumps and use your highest one
- Subtract your standing reach from your jumping reach to get your vertical jump
The Challenge
Jump as high as possible.
How Do You STACK Up?
Rookie: 20 inches
Pro: 22 inches
All-Star: 25 inches
How to Win a STACK T-Shirt
- Complete the challenge by Aug. 24
- Follow STACK on Twitter (@stackmedia)
- Tweet your results with #STACKChallenge
Watch next week’s STACK Challenge to see if you won.
Get Better
Not an All-Star yet? Improve your vertical jump with workouts and advice from the following articles:
How Does Your Vertical Jump Measure Up?
Every week, a new STACK Challenge gives you an opportunity to test your athletic ability and win a STACK T-shirt. Take the challenge and enter to win by tweeting your results with #STACKChallenge.
A huge vertical jump isn’t just useful for sports like volleyball and basketball. Build a bigger verticala nd you’ll develop lower-body explosiveness that can improve your performance no matter what sport you play.
How to Measure a Vertical Jump
You probably don’t have access to a $500+ vertical measurement device like the ones you see at the NFL Combine, but you can still get an accurate measurement of your vertical jump at home. All you need are a wall and some measuring tape. Here’s how:
- Stand with your side to a wall
- With your feet flat on the ground, reach the arm closest to the wall as high as possible
- Mark the highest spot you can reach. Either put chalk on your fingertips or have a friend mark it with tape
- From the same standing position, jump and hit the wall at the highest point of your jump. Mark the spot the same way you did earlier
- Try three to five jumps and use your highest one
- Subtract your standing reach from your jumping reach to get your vertical jump
The Challenge
Jump as high as possible.
How Do You STACK Up?
Rookie: 20 inches
Pro: 22 inches
All-Star: 25 inches
How to Win a STACK T-Shirt
- Complete the challenge by Aug. 24
- Follow STACK on Twitter (@stackmedia)
- Tweet your results with #STACKChallenge
Watch next week’s STACK Challenge to see if you won.
Get Better
Not an All-Star yet? Improve your vertical jump with workouts and advice from the following articles: