Complete Wide Receiver Workout Program, Part 3
In the first two parts of this series, I presented a full wide receiver workout plan and described some of the less common exercises. This article discusses how wide receivers can prevent hamstring injuries.
Wide receivers need to be able to sprint, slow down and quickly change direction. Any time sprinting and deceleration are performed, the hamstring is at risk of injury because of the tremendous forces placed on the muscle.
To prevent hamstring injuries and help you stay on the field, you need to:
- Increase hamstring strength in a lengthened position
- Build endurance in the sprinting motion
- Avoid concentric hamstring exercises, like Leg Curls
To account for these factors, it’s a good idea to perform these exercises before the season starts to prepare your hamstrings for the rigors of competition.
- Assume push-up position
- Take small steps to walk feet towards hands until feet reach hands; do not move hands
- Walk forward with hands to assume push-up position
- Repeat for specified distance
Sets/Distance: 3×10-20 yards
- Assume athletic stance
- Lift right leg up toward right hip
- Kick right leg and step forward
- Repeat with opposite leg
- Continue in alternating fashion for specified distance
Sets/Distance: 3-5×20 yards
- Assume athletic stance
- Hold barbell just above knees with overhand grip slightly-wider-than-shoulder-width
- Push hips back and bend at waist to lower barbell down front of legs as far as flexibility allows
- Keep core tight, back flat and feet on floor
- Extend hips to rise to standing position; flex glutes
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3-5×8-12
Physioball Glute Bridge
- Lie on ground with heels on physioball
- Contract glutes and press heels into physioball to lift hips to ceiling
- Keep body in straight line from shoulders to knees
- Lower to ground
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3-5×10-20
Complete your hamstring injury prevention strategy with mobility drills.
Catch up on the rest of the Wide Receiver Workout Program:
Complete Wide Receiver Workout Program, Part 3
In the first two parts of this series, I presented a full wide receiver workout plan and described some of the less common exercises. This article discusses how wide receivers can prevent hamstring injuries.
Wide receivers need to be able to sprint, slow down and quickly change direction. Any time sprinting and deceleration are performed, the hamstring is at risk of injury because of the tremendous forces placed on the muscle.
To prevent hamstring injuries and help you stay on the field, you need to:
- Increase hamstring strength in a lengthened position
- Build endurance in the sprinting motion
- Avoid concentric hamstring exercises, like Leg Curls
To account for these factors, it’s a good idea to perform these exercises before the season starts to prepare your hamstrings for the rigors of competition.
- Assume push-up position
- Take small steps to walk feet towards hands until feet reach hands; do not move hands
- Walk forward with hands to assume push-up position
- Repeat for specified distance
Sets/Distance: 3×10-20 yards
- Assume athletic stance
- Lift right leg up toward right hip
- Kick right leg and step forward
- Repeat with opposite leg
- Continue in alternating fashion for specified distance
Sets/Distance: 3-5×20 yards
- Assume athletic stance
- Hold barbell just above knees with overhand grip slightly-wider-than-shoulder-width
- Push hips back and bend at waist to lower barbell down front of legs as far as flexibility allows
- Keep core tight, back flat and feet on floor
- Extend hips to rise to standing position; flex glutes
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3-5×8-12
Physioball Glute Bridge
- Lie on ground with heels on physioball
- Contract glutes and press heels into physioball to lift hips to ceiling
- Keep body in straight line from shoulders to knees
- Lower to ground
- Repeat for specified reps
Sets/Reps: 3-5×10-20
Complete your hamstring injury prevention strategy with mobility drills.
Catch up on the rest of the Wide Receiver Workout Program: