Simplify Your Workout Routine with This All-Purpose Template
You don’t need to constantly change your workout routine to get good results. This single workout template works for many of my top high school, college and professional athletes. I periodically make minor adjustments and test new methods, but the template has basically remained the same for years. Why? Because it works.
The Method
Sport is movement. The more efficiently you move, the better you perform. Make it a priority to learn to move efficiently. You need to develop mobility/flexibility, core stability, power and strength in unison, so you can move as efficiently as possible.
The Warm-Up: Mobility and Flexibility
Start with a proper warm-up consisting of rolling out, mobility and muscle activation exercises. The goals are to raise your body temperature by moving and to address muscle imbalances that impair optimal movement by mobilizing short muscles and activating passive muscles.
Rolling Out
You can use foam rollers, PVC pipes, nearly any type of athletic ball, barbells, dumbbells, or your hand—anything that massages muscles and breaks up adhesions will do the job. The advantages of self massage are remarkable. Don’t miss out on something you can do every day to help make yourself better.
Mobility & Activation
Ideally, every athlete should be assessed before starting a training routine. A proper assessment gives a strength coach the essential information he or she needs to prescribe a proper training program. Since I cannot assess everyone who uses this template, I have included corrective exercises that cover common issues. This is admittedly imperfect, but it’s an upgrade over doing no corrective exercises at all.
Core Stability
Believe it or not, your core consists of more than just the six squares that lie over your stomach. It runs from just above your knees all the way up to your chest and around your body. Since crunches are the only core training most people do, they never get the results they desire.
Your core has to be stable enough to transfer force between your lower and upper body and to absorb force. Learning the 3 B’s of core training will take you to the next level.
Power is the ability to produce force quickly. It helps you throw harder, run faster and blow past opponents. It’s what separates great athletes from the merely good athletes.
The formula for power is P = (Force x Distance) / Time
In sports, distance is usually a constant. There are two ways to increase force output.
- Increase movement efficiency / decrease time
- Increase the ability to produce force / get super strong
Our power movements will help you achieve both.
Strength precedes power. An athlete who can produce 300 pounds of force will almost always be more powerful than an athlete who can produce 200 pounds of force. You can’t get faster or more powerful without increasing your strength, and you can’t get stronger without lifting heavy weights.
The Workout Template
Every Day
1. Roll Out/Massage – 5 minutes (full body)
2. Choose 6 mobility exercises and 4 movement exercises from the lists below:
- Half Kneeling Adductor Mobs
- Reverse Lunges With Twist
- Fire Hydrants
- High Knee Pulls
- Roll Over V’s
- Cradle Walks
- Supine Dynamic Leg Swings
- Lateral Lunges
- Spider-Mans
- Elbow to Instep
- Scorpions
- Skipping
- Rocking Ankle Mobs
- Ladder Drills
- Cossack Squats
- Light Sprinting
- Squat to Stand
3. Choose two corrective exercises from the list below:
- Wall Hip Flexor Mobs
- Wall Glute Mobs
- Yoga Push-Ups
- Band Pull-Aparts
- Glute Bridges
- X-band Walk / Mini-Band Walk
- No Money Drill
- Adduction Wall Slides
Monday: Hip Dominant Day
Choose one movement/exercise from each section
A1: Core Stability – Sets/Reps: 3-4×3-4 five-second contractions
- Planks
- 3-Point Planks
- 2-Point Planks
B1: Power – Sets/Reps: 5×5
- Box Jumps
- Squat Jumps
C1: Bilateral Hip Dominant – Sets/Reps: 3-6×3-5
- Trap Bar Deadlift
- Sumo Deadlift
- Traditional Deadlift
D1: Unilateral Quad Dominant – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Split Squats
- Walking Lunges
- Prowler Push/Backward Sled Drags (40 yards per set)
D2: Posterior Accessory – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Single-Leg RDLs
- Ball Hamstring Curls
- Good Mornings
Wednesday: Push-Pull Day
Choose one movement/exercise from each section
A1: Core Stability – Sets/Reps: 3-4×3-4 five-second contractions
- Standing Anti-Rotational Press
- Split Stance Anti-Rotational Press
- Half Kneeling Anti-Rotational Press
B1: Power – Sets/Reps: 3-5×8-10
- Med Ball Kneeling Chest Pass
- Med Ball Slams
- Sledge Hammer Tire Slams
C1: Bilateral Push – Sets/Reps: 3-6×3-5
- Push-Ups
- Bench Press
- Overhead Press
C2: Unilateral Pull – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Cable Row
- DB Row
- Single-Arm Lat Pull Down
- Reverse Fly
D1: Bilateral Pull – Sets/Reps: 3-6×3-5
- Pull-Ups
- Barbell Rows
D2: Unilateral Push – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Single-Arm DB Bench Press
- Single-Arm DB Overhead Press
- DB Floor Press
Friday: Quad Dominant Day
Choose one movement/exercise from each section
A1: Core Stability – Sets/Reps: 3-4×3-4 five-second contractions
- Side Planks
- Farmer’s Walk
- Suitcase Deadlifts
B1: Power – Sets/Reps: 5×5
- Broad Jumps
- Hurdle Hops
- Kettlebell Swings
C1: Bilateral Quad Dominant – Sets/Reps: 3-6×3-5
- Goblet Squats
- Front Squats
- Squats
D1: Unilateral Hip Dominant – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Reverse Lunges
- Forward Sled Drags (40 yards per set)
D2: Posterior Accessory – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Bird Dogs
- Reverse Hypers
Simplify Your Workout Routine with This All-Purpose Template
You don’t need to constantly change your workout routine to get good results. This single workout template works for many of my top high school, college and professional athletes. I periodically make minor adjustments and test new methods, but the template has basically remained the same for years. Why? Because it works.
The Method
Sport is movement. The more efficiently you move, the better you perform. Make it a priority to learn to move efficiently. You need to develop mobility/flexibility, core stability, power and strength in unison, so you can move as efficiently as possible.
The Warm-Up: Mobility and Flexibility
Start with a proper warm-up consisting of rolling out, mobility and muscle activation exercises. The goals are to raise your body temperature by moving and to address muscle imbalances that impair optimal movement by mobilizing short muscles and activating passive muscles.
Rolling Out
You can use foam rollers, PVC pipes, nearly any type of athletic ball, barbells, dumbbells, or your hand—anything that massages muscles and breaks up adhesions will do the job. The advantages of self massage are remarkable. Don’t miss out on something you can do every day to help make yourself better.
Mobility & Activation
Ideally, every athlete should be assessed before starting a training routine. A proper assessment gives a strength coach the essential information he or she needs to prescribe a proper training program. Since I cannot assess everyone who uses this template, I have included corrective exercises that cover common issues. This is admittedly imperfect, but it’s an upgrade over doing no corrective exercises at all.
Core Stability
Believe it or not, your core consists of more than just the six squares that lie over your stomach. It runs from just above your knees all the way up to your chest and around your body. Since crunches are the only core training most people do, they never get the results they desire.
Your core has to be stable enough to transfer force between your lower and upper body and to absorb force. Learning the 3 B’s of core training will take you to the next level.
Power is the ability to produce force quickly. It helps you throw harder, run faster and blow past opponents. It’s what separates great athletes from the merely good athletes.
The formula for power is P = (Force x Distance) / Time
In sports, distance is usually a constant. There are two ways to increase force output.
- Increase movement efficiency / decrease time
- Increase the ability to produce force / get super strong
Our power movements will help you achieve both.
Strength precedes power. An athlete who can produce 300 pounds of force will almost always be more powerful than an athlete who can produce 200 pounds of force. You can’t get faster or more powerful without increasing your strength, and you can’t get stronger without lifting heavy weights.
The Workout Template
Every Day
1. Roll Out/Massage – 5 minutes (full body)
2. Choose 6 mobility exercises and 4 movement exercises from the lists below:
- Half Kneeling Adductor Mobs
- Reverse Lunges With Twist
- Fire Hydrants
- High Knee Pulls
- Roll Over V’s
- Cradle Walks
- Supine Dynamic Leg Swings
- Lateral Lunges
- Spider-Mans
- Elbow to Instep
- Scorpions
- Skipping
- Rocking Ankle Mobs
- Ladder Drills
- Cossack Squats
- Light Sprinting
- Squat to Stand
3. Choose two corrective exercises from the list below:
- Wall Hip Flexor Mobs
- Wall Glute Mobs
- Yoga Push-Ups
- Band Pull-Aparts
- Glute Bridges
- X-band Walk / Mini-Band Walk
- No Money Drill
- Adduction Wall Slides
Monday: Hip Dominant Day
Choose one movement/exercise from each section
A1: Core Stability – Sets/Reps: 3-4×3-4 five-second contractions
- Planks
- 3-Point Planks
- 2-Point Planks
B1: Power – Sets/Reps: 5×5
- Box Jumps
- Squat Jumps
C1: Bilateral Hip Dominant – Sets/Reps: 3-6×3-5
- Trap Bar Deadlift
- Sumo Deadlift
- Traditional Deadlift
D1: Unilateral Quad Dominant – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Split Squats
- Walking Lunges
- Prowler Push/Backward Sled Drags (40 yards per set)
D2: Posterior Accessory – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Single-Leg RDLs
- Ball Hamstring Curls
- Good Mornings
Wednesday: Push-Pull Day
Choose one movement/exercise from each section
A1: Core Stability – Sets/Reps: 3-4×3-4 five-second contractions
- Standing Anti-Rotational Press
- Split Stance Anti-Rotational Press
- Half Kneeling Anti-Rotational Press
B1: Power – Sets/Reps: 3-5×8-10
- Med Ball Kneeling Chest Pass
- Med Ball Slams
- Sledge Hammer Tire Slams
C1: Bilateral Push – Sets/Reps: 3-6×3-5
- Push-Ups
- Bench Press
- Overhead Press
C2: Unilateral Pull – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Cable Row
- DB Row
- Single-Arm Lat Pull Down
- Reverse Fly
D1: Bilateral Pull – Sets/Reps: 3-6×3-5
- Pull-Ups
- Barbell Rows
D2: Unilateral Push – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Single-Arm DB Bench Press
- Single-Arm DB Overhead Press
- DB Floor Press
Friday: Quad Dominant Day
Choose one movement/exercise from each section
A1: Core Stability – Sets/Reps: 3-4×3-4 five-second contractions
- Side Planks
- Farmer’s Walk
- Suitcase Deadlifts
B1: Power – Sets/Reps: 5×5
- Broad Jumps
- Hurdle Hops
- Kettlebell Swings
C1: Bilateral Quad Dominant – Sets/Reps: 3-6×3-5
- Goblet Squats
- Front Squats
- Squats
D1: Unilateral Hip Dominant – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Reverse Lunges
- Forward Sled Drags (40 yards per set)
D2: Posterior Accessory – Sets/Reps: 3-4×8-10
- Bird Dogs
- Reverse Hypers