Contrast Training for Strength, Power, and Athletic Performance
To develop well-rounded strength and athleticism, taking a multi-faceted approach to training that includes both strength and plyometric work is pivotal. That being said, doing so isn’t as simple as [...]
4 Unique Core Exercises to Improve Sprint Speed
Since sprinting is the most dynamic activity that the human body can perform, this makes the split stance rotational medicine ball slam extremely applicable related to the violent nature of the sprinting motion.
5 Unique Sled Exercises for Speed, Strength, and Power
The sled is a jack-of-all-trades for just about every physical quality under the sun. It can be used to train strength, speed, conditioning, power, and everything else, for that matter. [...]
3 Reasons Why All Athletes Should Incorporate Top Speed Sprinting
Despite its reputation as being risky and non-specific to sport, here are three reasons why non-track athletes should incorporate top speed sprinting into their training. There is no denying that [...]
The Best Strength and Power Superset for Athletes
Despite my job title as a strength and conditioning coach, I care far more about power than I do strength. Whereas strength is the ability to exert force, power is [...]
4 Relative Strength Standards to Improve Sprint Speed
Let’s face it: if you want to be fast, you need to sprint fast—and sprint fast often. Speed is a skill after all, and like any other skill, improvement is [...]