Preventing Collegiate Arthritis In Athletes
When college-age people come to see me with severely damaged joints, it’s a challenge. High school kids with the same issues are depressing. There are solutions, but they simply are [...]
Protein & Water: The Keystones of Sports Nutrition
There are two key principles, however, that have withstood the test of time in our clinic: Protein and water should make up most of your diet. Here is why.
How Do We Increase Playing Time Without Injury?
The increasing number of injuries in all sports for all ages begs the question: Is the risk worth it? Can the risks be decreased? How do we increase the fun/time [...]
Youth Athlete Hygiene Tips
Hygiene is an integral part of an athlete’s routine. The sweat that is secreted during a workout or a run can over time give way to many fungal or bacterial [...]
How to Run Forever
I often get this question: "Doc, does running hurt my knee?" The answer is no. Injury hurts your knee. If you have healthy knees, you can run forever. If you [...]
A Ruptured Achilles Tendon Doesn’t Need Open Surgery To Fix It
The ruptured Achilles tendon heals when repaired and doesn't need open surgery to fix it. Here is why.